
When you shop at Lightish, you have a full 100-day return policy from the day you receive the item. If you're not satisfied or have changed your mind about your purchase, you can return it to us and get a refund for the item or receive a credit note. If the item is returned within 14 days, you will receive a refund; if returned after, you will receive a credit note, which has no expiration date. However, we do not refund shipping or return shipping costs for canceled orders.

It is permitted to test the purchased product as one would in a physical store, but if the item is actually used, it can no longer be returned. Additionally, the item must always be returned in proper and original packaging, without any form of damage - including writing or any other form of permanent alteration to the original box. Inadequate packaging may result in damage during shipping, which would result in the return request being rejected. So please be sure to be careful - for both your sake and ours. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need help, guidance, or have questions about transportation.

When you return an order within 14 days, you will receive a refund for the item(s) you purchased. If returned after (but still within 100 days), a credit note will be issued. However, you must pay the return postage. You will receive the refund in the same manner the item was paid for, as soon as the item is checked by us.

The right of withdrawal does not apply to custom-made items. Therefore, it is not possible to return an item that is custom-made upon ordering.

When returning items, complaints should be sent to:

LampeWorld ApS, Ravnstrupvej 67D 4160 Herlufmagle

We do not accept packages sent cash on delivery.